Friday, October 31, 2008

"Discover The Explosive Secrets How To Win 97% Of Your Sports Bets From A Statistics Doctorate And Betting Professional"

My name is John Morrison and I am a Cornell University graduate with a PhD degree in statistics. On the side, I’m a full-blooded sports enthusiast who has practically never missed the big game. I found the perfect hobby to combine both of my sports and statistical interests in sports betting. Over the last 5 years I’ve spent untold hoursresearching the sporting database in a pursuit to develop a foolproof sports betting system.

Years ago, I’ve effectively completed my research and cracked the code to a mind-blowing MLB and NBA sports betting system. I wish I could have just 10 minutes to personally sit down with you, face-to-face, and explain to you why the current NBA season, the upcoming MLB season, as well as all the seasons thereafter, hold an absolute goldmine of an opportunity for you to make all the income you could possibly ever wish for. Whether you're a die-hard gambler, a sports enthusiast, or just someone of no interests in betting or sports but wants to make a pile of extra cash every day doing the easiest job in the world, you're going to fall head-over-heels in love with what I'm about to spill to you. Several times each week, I’d log into my online sportsbook account and make bets on the particular teams that I’ve statistically calculated to have exceptionally high chances of betting success. Each win often pulls in over $1,000 into my account. Not bad for a 5-minute job!


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